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Beautifully designed Personal goal setting Worksheets (PDF)

-   James Stevenson (MSc, IEA) - Coach and Psychologist

Do you want to set goals in each area of your life? Or maybe for each of your roles? You'll find worksheets below to help with this and more...

You can choose from the personal goal setting worksheets below. If you like these samples you can find out how to download the PDF files by clicking on the links.

So you're ready to set some personal goals!

You've decided to take the really important step of writing them down, thinking about what actions you will take and when you might complete them.

It takes serious courage to do this! So you deserve a huge well done!

Personal goals tableDo you have goals in each area?

You might prefer to set your goals once a year as part of your new years resolutions, and maybe you like to think through each area of your life so your goals lead to a balanced life...

Whatever way you like to set your goals you'll find a worksheet or two to assist you here...

The different personal goal setting worksheets are as follows:

  1. Setting goals in each area of your life (short/medium/long term)
  2. Goals in each area of your life (old version with more areas)
  3. General personal goal setting worksheet (spreadsheet)

1. Long, medium, and short term goals in each area of life

This worksheet is about considering your dreams and hopes in a slightly new way. You're encouraged to think about the different areas of your life... you know, social, health, career etc.

With this worksheet however,  you can also consider your targets in the short term, medium term and long term.

Does one area strike you as especially relevant to you right now?

Which area do you think has the greatest potential for opening up your life towards your future vision?

If you were to ask someone you trust a lot, which areas would they suggest focusing on right now? 

I wouldn't like to say that a more balanced approach is always better because we are all different. I do however think it's valuable to explore. Exploration of areas that we may not instinctively go to can often lead to new ideas and creative power being revealed...

So happy exploring!

2. Setting goals in each area of your life

Personal goals and steps tableYou can use this worksheet as a brainstorming tool. A chance to think about all the important areas in your life and consider what you might challenge in each area to improve your quality of life. Once you've thought about things you would really like to achieve in each area then I recommend prioritising which is most important for you and start working towards one, two or maximum 3 of your top priorities.

Click here to download the free PDF for the worksheet above.

3. General goal setting spreadsheet

Goal Setting SpreadsheetYou can use this no-frills personal goal setting worksheet if you want to go into a lot of detail about each of your goals.

To download the above worksheet PDF click here. 

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