The Founding Story of WiseGoals

In 2011, I embarked on my first entrepreneurial venture in Japan, eager to conquer the world of web business. My initial confidence was sky-high; I believed I had a wealth of knowledge to share. However, as I began writing and sharing my insights, I quickly exhausted my ideas. Instead of recognizing the need to expand my understanding and gain more experience, I fell into the trap of repeating the same concepts over and over again. Arrogance blinded me, and my business stagnated.

For years, I was stuck in a cycle of wheel-spinning, unable to make meaningful progress. The lack of growth was a clear signal that I needed to change, but I was stubborn and resistant to the message. In hindsight, I see that I was fortunate to encounter mentors who were able to pierce through my limited self-awareness. They helped me realize the depth of my ignorance and the necessity of continuous learning.

My journey into the realm of positive psychology began around this time. I discovered the work of Dr. Martin Seligman, a pioneer in the field, and dedicated myself to five years of intense personal study. This path eventually led me to pursue one of only two MSc programs in applied positive psychology available worldwide, offered by the University of East London. Uniquely, this program also included a focus on coaching psychology, an area I was previously unfamiliar with.

As I delved deeper into the literature on coaching, I was astonished at how much I had been missing. For years, I had been stuck in a loop, discussing goals without understanding the critical role of coaching—the art of a goal-based conversation. The two-year deep dive into this subject was transformative. My understanding of motivation, goal setting, and achievement evolved from a superficial 1% to a more profound 20%, and I realized just how little I truly knew.

My newfound knowledge and skills culminated in the publication of my research and the launch of my coaching practice. Fast forward to 2024, and I have now been a professional coach for seven years, with various accreditations under my belt. What strikes me most is the importance of coaching—its processes, models, and tools—in the realm of personal goal setting. This deeper understanding and practical application mean that I no longer struggle with having little to say. Instead, I can draw from a well of substantial knowledge to help others achieve their goals.

They say if you can't explain something simply, you don't understand it well enough. My business began to flourish when I changed my approach. This transformation is what I strive to offer my clients, ideally saving them from the prolonged struggle I endured.

WiseGoals was my first successful web business, setting the stage for the creation of additional ventures. This experience has given me a unique perspective, allowing me to coach young adults who aspire to be entrepreneurs. I am perfectly placed to help them avoid the mistakes I made, guiding them towards their goals with the wisdom and insight I have gained over the years.

Thank you for visiting WiseGoals. Let's achieve your goals together!



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