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How was your coaching experience with James? 

Working with James really helped to build my self-confidence that I could make changes the changes I wanted to my lifestyle. Every session gave me a chance to focus on what was important to me and my progress and I always left feeling empowered, confident and grounded in my ability to achieve my goals whilst celebrating what I had already achieved.

James is encouraging and motivating, whilst making sure you remain in control of your journey. He asks all the right questions - the challenging ones to make you think deeply - but in a sensitive and considered way. I’m very grateful for James and his commitment to guiding me to achieve my dreams. 


James’ calm and kind approach combined with an ability to listen deeply and ask insightful questions makes for an enjoyable and powerful coaching experience. James’ coaching has helped me to successfully reach my career goal and also goals that emerged through coaching in different areas of my life, including well-being goals. I have no hesitation in recommending James and I am very grateful that he is my coach.


James’ caring, attentive, focused, and listening way of being in the moment has enabled me to have fun, laugh, relax, and experience novel sides within me at the same time as discovering sensitive and vulnerable parts of myself. As a human and as a coach James has provided me space to uncover new potentials within me and break through unhelpful patterns. I am now pursuing my lifelong dream as a professional sportsperson and am off to a flying start.


I really enjoyed my coaching journey with James. He was very professional, and asked interesting questions allowing me to unlock my vision of what I really want. James helped me to focus on solutions so I could get closer to my goals with each session. He is also a very nice person with a warm and compassionate approach. I finally made the move to working for myself in my dream role and now have more clients than I know what to do with. Highly recommend him as a coach!


James made me feel very safe and comfortable and able to reflect on some deep questions during a time of loss. He gently guided me, over time, to focus on some things that were important to me and the reasons I wanted to pursue them. James has a warm, caring approach that let me explore my feelings. I found him to be an excellent listener and gentle in his way of guiding our sessions. I found the perfect role for me and have also developed my side-business to be more profitable. Very grateful.


Last Updated: 16/10/2023

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